The 2015 National Bike Summit, organized by the League of American Bicyclists, was held last week on Capitol Hill. Their objective, to increase investments in bicycling, aligns closely with our mission to encourage a passion for cycling.
The theme? Bikes+. It is time to consider how bikes can add value to other movements and serve broader interests.
The goal? Unite the voices of bicyclists to advance bike safety and funding.
The outcome? More than 650 bicyclists came together for workshops, case studies, brainstorming, lobbying and more.
Trek Travel President Tania Burke attended the event again this year. “The event was great. There are a lot of passionate bike advocates working really hard to not only make a more bike friendly world but to also create great places to live. The Mayor of Oklahoma City went through what they are doing and it is inspiring.”
View photos of the event, then visit the website to learn more about how you can get involved.