“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul”
– John Muir
I am thankful to John Muir for being the “Father of the National Parks” and advocating for our environment. Our national parks are incredible, protected pieces of land. Their natural beauty is amazing and provides some of the most spectacular places to visit and experience in person – and on bike. In 2019, I was able to experience the beauty of Zion National Park firsthand from the seat of a bicycle.
Trek Travel’s Zion National Park bike tour is the perfect trip to receive the beauty and strength from nature, while playing in and enjoying your surroundings. Waking up and riding towards the east entrance of Zion National Park is awe inspiring. It is hard to keep your eyes on the road when you are constantly looking up and losing yourself in the nature that surrounds you. After passing Checkerboard Mesa, we had a chance to stop and watch the mountain goats graze on their morning meal. Just before the tunnel, our guides, Zack, Jake, and Griff, led us on a hike along Canyon Overlook Trail. This short hike gave us an astonishing view looking west over the park. From that vantage point, we could see Angel’s Landing and the Alter of Sacrifice. At the top of the trail, looking out over the park, I knew that this is a place that touches your soul and makes you keep coming back for more. I could not wait to continue exploring.
Upon arrival in Springdale, Utah, we were greeted at our hotel, Flanigan’s Inn, by a new friend! Sighting our new neighbor was a fun little reminder that we were there to observe and enjoy nature’s beauty that weekend.
After settling in at the hotel, we started our ride from Springdale to the Temple of Sinawava. As we rode, the immense mountains hugged me around each turn and guided me towards the Temple as the sun rose over the fortress that protected us. Growing up on the eastern side of the country in the valley of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Angel’s Landing showed me the amazing face of the west. Trading in the green trees of the Appalachian Trail for the majestic red rock gardens was breathtaking. As I approached the Temple, I felt the thumping of my heart and realized how small I am in this massive world. The rocks around me continued to grow and jut towards the sky. This made me smile as I thought about all that Zion has experienced in the past century and what new stories the future will bring.
Enjoy a long-weekend getaway in some of America’s most stunning nature.