Straight from our guide Valeria in Milan, Italy—the top 5 words and phrases to know when you’re cycling the rolling landscapes of the country she calls home.
Dai! Dai!: It is like Allez! Allez! in French, but since it’s pronounced like “Die! Die!” the guests always make jokes on the climbs and remember it forever.
Buono: For the taste of food-gelato is buono, pizza is buona
Bravo!: Said when you do something well or achieve something-when on top of a climb we say to Bob, “Hey Bob, bravo! Well done!” and you Rita, “Brava!” And for a group we use the plural, “Bravi!”
Scusi, dov’è il bagno?: This is key and means, “Sorry, where is the bathroom?”
Grazie mille!: Thanks a million!
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