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Each year, Trek Travel honors one of our guides for his or her tremendous season, exceptional hospitality, and a downright awesome attitude. We are proud to announce our 2019 Guide of the Year, Lisa Lieb!

Guide of the Year is a huge honor. To be nominated for this prestigious award, guides have to earn top-notch evaluations from guests, co-guides and the office team. The top five guides are then voted on by the Trek Travel management team to determine which guide provided best-in-class hospitality and reflected our company values. The winning guide receives a custom merino jersey with “GUIDE OF THE YEAR” embroidered on it as well as a $1,000 travel credit to anywhere in the world. The winner can use it for themselves, a family member, or a friend.

We talked to Lisa to learn a little bit more about how she feels about winning Guide of the Year, about her experiences guiding, and about where she is headed in 2020.

Why do you guide?

“Passion and happiness. It seems that I have found a job that fills my passions, and therefore my job has become my passion. The passion to be able to experience the joy of life by bike and the ability to share that with others. The passion to see different cultures, to meet tremendous people from around the world, and to be a part of bringing smiles to people’s faces. That is very rewarding. So, when I am getting to live my passion, the result then brings me to the goal of my life: to be happy. So, happiness is a pretty good reason to guide! And of course, all the donkeys I get to meet along the way!”

What are some epic moments or favorite memories from your travels?

“Having guided over 180 Trek Travel trips, it is very difficult to pick just a few of my most epic moments, favorite memories, or most unforgettable guests. There have been times over the past nine years that I truly cannot believe that this is my real life. Epic moments like meeting pro riders that I have only seen on TV riding in the Tour de France, climbing Alpe d’huez the day of the 100th anniversary of the Tour, running along side Cadel Evans on Mont Ventoux after sleeping in a vineyard on Bastille Day, and stopping to dance in the middle of climb because why not? All these and so many more epic moments come to my mind. Many guests over the years are truly unforgettable, like being a part of a guest’s confidence building moments after riding something they never thought possible, the “yes I can do this” revelations, the moment when a you see a woman be empowered just by riding a bike, those hugs and tears of joy at the top of an epic climb, the champagne toasts and jumping in the sea after crossing the Pyrenees mountains, times I am told “it just would not have been the trip of a lifetime without you,” the many notes written to me at the end of every trip, and the number of smiles I see on a daily basis are truly unforgettable. And of course some of my favorite memories are the ones I have made with my co-guides, like camping in the middle of nowhere, late night dance parties in the middle of a tiny village, and just the times of ridiculousness that makes those friendships even stronger.”

Where will you be guiding in 2020?

“In 2020 I will be guiding Mallorca Ride Camps, the Italian Dolomites bike tour, and the Mallorca Luxury bike trips. This will be my eighth season guiding in Mallorca, and it just gets better every year. Riding a bike in Mallorca is a way of life and for me. It is the place where I fell in love with road cycling. (Those of you that know, I am a mountain biker through and through, so I think that says a lot about the riding in Mallorca to turn a mountain biker into a roadie). In 2014 I guided the Giro d’Italia trip through the Dolomites, and every year I race the Granfondo Maratona dles Dolomiti. However, this is my first year guiding our Classic Climbs of the Dolomites trip, and I cannot be more thrilled. The Dolomites are a very special place on the planet, and your life will only be enhanced if you get the opportunity to experience those mountains by bike. The people, the food, those mountains – all your senses will be overtaken by the Italian and South Tirol culture. It is quite spectacular, and I am very much looking forward to guiding in the region.”

How did you feel about winning guide of the year?

“To be named Guide of the Year I feel very honored, humbled, and proud. My belief is one cannot do great alone. One must be surrounded and supported by great to accomplish great. Being named Guide of the Year is a reflection of the people around me. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to work with many amazing guides and am always learning so much from each and every one of them. The level of passion, professionalism, dedication, and fun in the people that guide Trek Travel trips is so high, I am blown away that I was chosen out of such a deserving group.Thank you to everyone at Trek Travel for honoring me with such an award.”

What else are you looking forward to in 2020?

“On March 15 I get the privilege to participate in one of the worlds toughest mountain bike stage races, the Absa Cape Epic in South Africa. The coolest part is, I was asked by a Trek Travel guest that I guided in Mallorca back in 2013. We have not stayed in touch nor followed each other on social media, but when this guest had received one of the coveted entries to the event, he remembered his guide in Mallorca and thought, “She would be a fun partner to race this event with, and I’m pretty sure she likes to mountain bike.” The many doors that this job opens are pretty rad.”

2019 Guide of the Year: Lisa Lieb

woman smiling while enjoying a hot coffee

Each year, Trek Travel honors one of our guides for his or her tremendous season, exceptional hospitality, and a downright awesome attitude. We are proud to announce our 2019 Guide of the Year, Lisa Lieb!

Guide of the Year is a huge honor. To be nominated for this prestigious award, guides have to earn top-notch evaluations from guests, co-guides and the office team. The top five guides are then voted on by the Trek Travel management team to determine which guide provided best-in-class hospitality and reflected our company values. The winning guide receives a custom merino jersey with “GUIDE OF THE YEAR” embroidered on it as well as a $1,000 travel credit to anywhere in the world. The winner can use it for themselves, a family member, or a friend.

We talked to Lisa to learn a little bit more about how she feels about winning Guide of the Year, about her experiences guiding, and about where she is headed in 2020.

Why do you guide?

“Passion and happiness. It seems that I have found a job that fills my passions, and therefore my job has become my passion. The passion to be able to experience the joy of life by bike and the ability to share that with others. The passion to see different cultures, to meet tremendous people from around the world, and to be a part of bringing smiles to people’s faces. That is very rewarding. So, when I am getting to live my passion, the result then brings me to the goal of my life: to be happy. So, happiness is a pretty good reason to guide! And of course, all the donkeys I get to meet along the way!”

What are some epic moments or favorite memories from your travels?

“Having guided over 180 Trek Travel trips, it is very difficult to pick just a few of my most epic moments, favorite memories, or most unforgettable guests. There have been times over the past nine years that I truly cannot believe that this is my real life. Epic moments like meeting pro riders that I have only seen on TV riding in the Tour de France, climbing Alpe d’huez the day of the 100th anniversary of the Tour, running along side Cadel Evans on Mont Ventoux after sleeping in a vineyard on Bastille Day, and stopping to dance in the middle of climb because why not? All these and so many more epic moments come to my mind. Many guests over the years are truly unforgettable, like being a part of a guest’s confidence building moments after riding something they never thought possible, the “yes I can do this” revelations, the moment when a you see a woman be empowered just by riding a bike, those hugs and tears of joy at the top of an epic climb, the champagne toasts and jumping in the sea after crossing the Pyrenees mountains, times I am told “it just would not have been the trip of a lifetime without you,” the many notes written to me at the end of every trip, and the number of smiles I see on a daily basis are truly unforgettable. And of course some of my favorite memories are the ones I have made with my co-guides, like camping in the middle of nowhere, late night dance parties in the middle of a tiny village, and just the times of ridiculousness that makes those friendships even stronger.”

Where will you be guiding in 2020?

“In 2020 I will be guiding Mallorca Ride Camps, the Italian Dolomites bike tour, and the Mallorca Luxury bike trips. This will be my eighth season guiding in Mallorca, and it just gets better every year. Riding a bike in Mallorca is a way of life and for me. It is the place where I fell in love with road cycling. (Those of you that know, I am a mountain biker through and through, so I think that says a lot about the riding in Mallorca to turn a mountain biker into a roadie). In 2014 I guided the Giro d’Italia trip through the Dolomites, and every year I race the Granfondo Maratona dles Dolomiti. However, this is my first year guiding our Classic Climbs of the Dolomites trip, and I cannot be more thrilled. The Dolomites are a very special place on the planet, and your life will only be enhanced if you get the opportunity to experience those mountains by bike. The people, the food, those mountains – all your senses will be overtaken by the Italian and South Tirol culture. It is quite spectacular, and I am very much looking forward to guiding in the region.”

How did you feel about winning guide of the year?

“To be named Guide of the Year I feel very honored, humbled, and proud. My belief is one cannot do great alone. One must be surrounded and supported by great to accomplish great. Being named Guide of the Year is a reflection of the people around me. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to work with many amazing guides and am always learning so much from each and every one of them. The level of passion, professionalism, dedication, and fun in the people that guide Trek Travel trips is so high, I am blown away that I was chosen out of such a deserving group.Thank you to everyone at Trek Travel for honoring me with such an award.”

What else are you looking forward to in 2020?

“On March 15 I get the privilege to participate in one of the worlds toughest mountain bike stage races, the Absa Cape Epic in South Africa. The coolest part is, I was asked by a Trek Travel guest that I guided in Mallorca back in 2013. We have not stayed in touch nor followed each other on social media, but when this guest had received one of the coveted entries to the event, he remembered his guide in Mallorca and thought, “She would be a fun partner to race this event with, and I’m pretty sure she likes to mountain bike.” The many doors that this job opens are pretty rad.”

Islands & Seafood in Ireland’s Rugged Southwest

food set out on a blue picnic table

Biking through the hills and mountains of Cork and Kerry on the Trek Travel Ireland Bike Tour, you are never far from the sea. Even when you can’t see it, you can probably taste the salty ocean on your lips and even hear its rhythms in the accents of the locals.

You can certainly choose to eat the sea’s abundant produce in any of the restaurants in Kenmare or Killarney; the local seafood chowder, mussels, and oysters are unmissable when you’re in this part of the world. In fact, Ireland has seen a recent surge in food culture and farm-to-fork cuisine, and the southwest regions of Cork and Kerry are leading the charge. But nothing beats a hands-on experience.

It’s one thing to eat a really lovely plate of seafood, but having the opportunity to pull the lobster pots and pick mussels yourself, while listening to the stories of the local men and women for whom the ocean provides their livelihoods, really brings your understanding of the Atlantic Ocean closer to home. Your seafood dinner goes from delicious to unforgettable.

Though there are many islands along the jagged shores of Ireland, particularly in Kerry and West Cork, some islands are more famous than others. But it is actually some of the least-known islands that are the most fascinating ones – and the best part is that you’ll likely have such places to yourself. Though these half-forgotten islands and coastal inlets are always amazing places to visit, the best way to get a sense of these tiny island communities is through the eyes of locals who call the coasts of West Cork their home.

Aaron O Sullivan is one such person. Aaron grew up in the small coastal town of Bantry, in the remote and wild region of West Cork, with his two brothers. Each morning, he woke up to views through his bedroom window that looked out onto the sparkling waters of Bantry Bay. His childhood was spent fishing off the rocks with his brothers and the other local children, exploring the craggy shores and windswept hills, and playing the traditional Irish game of hurling.

Today, Aaron is a school-teacher. When he’s not teaching, he uses his summer off to indulge in his passion for the sea by taking visitors out onto Bantry Bay on his Whaly boats – small open-air powerboats perfect for exploring the tranquil waters of the bay. It’s the perfect finish to your Trek Travel Ireland Bike Tour. Imagine – having traversed this beautiful corner of Ireland, you’ll swap bike for boat, heading out onto the sea with local fisherman Aaron to explore one of his favorite places in West Cork. Landing on the shores of Whiddy Island, you’ll find a glass of Guinness and a seafood tasting right on the beach.

Bantry Bay Boat Tour with Trek Travel

Speaking to Aaron, it’s plain to see his passion for Bantry and its people, the history of the region, and the role the sea has played in his life and the lives of everyone else that calls this salty, windblown corner of Ireland their home. Aaron’s own grandparents grew up on Whiddy Island, and the 16th-century Reenananig Castle ruins that stand proud on the island were even built by his own ancestors, chieftain Donal Cam O’Sullivan Bere. His ties to the area run deep, and his knowledge of the history and people of the place is overflowing.

From Vikings to WWII Allied forces, Whiddy Island has a long history. Island visitors can wander the grounds of the now-abandoned castle of Aaron O Sullivan’s ancestors, as well as other historical sites, including a church, graveyard, and holy well.

In January of 1979, Whiddy Island was the scene of Ireland’s greatest maritime disaster when an oil tanker exploded in the bay. While the incident did cause an oil spill, happily marine life recovered within a few years and the bay now has the highest grade possible for water cleanliness, an amazing story of rejuvenation and sustainability.

Which brings us back to the food! Mussels thrive here in Bantry Bay and along Whiddy Island. They need the minerals that come with such clean water, in which they grow more quickly and therefore become a more viable enterprise for the local fishermen like Aaron. The clean water and sheltered bay has also led to the area being named Ireland’s only ocean blueway.

And just like that, Whiddy Island and and Bantry Bay have become an ecological success story and a paradise for man and fish alike. And sitting out on the island in August, sipping a pint of Guinness after a magnificent bike ride through the soaring Caha Mountains, you’ll be forgiven for never wanting to leave this magical place.

A Long Weekend in Zion National Park

People smiling for a picture with Zion in the background

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul”

– John Muir

I am thankful to John Muir for being the “Father of the National Parks” and advocating for our environment. Our national parks are incredible, protected pieces of land. Their natural beauty is amazing and provides some of the most spectacular places to visit and experience in person – and on bike. In 2019, I was able to experience the beauty of Zion National Park firsthand from the seat of a bicycle.

Trek Travel Zion bike tour

Trek Travel’s Zion National Park bike tour is the perfect trip to receive the beauty and strength from nature, while playing in and enjoying your surroundings. Waking up and riding towards the east entrance of Zion National Park is awe inspiring. It is hard to keep your eyes on the road when you are constantly looking up and losing yourself in the nature that surrounds you. After passing Checkerboard Mesa, we had a chance to stop and watch the mountain goats graze on their morning meal. Just before the tunnel, our guides, Zack, Jake, and Griff, led us on a hike along Canyon Overlook Trail. This short hike gave us an astonishing view looking west over the park. From that vantage point, we could see Angel’s Landing and the Alter of Sacrifice. At the top of the trail, looking out over the park, I knew that this is a place that touches your soul and makes you keep coming back for more. I could not wait to continue exploring.

A deer at Flanigan's Inn in Springdale, Utah

Upon arrival in Springdale, Utah, we were greeted at our hotel, Flanigan’s Inn, by a new friend! Sighting our new neighbor was a fun little reminder that we were there to observe and enjoy nature’s beauty that weekend.

Zion Long Weekend Bike Tour

After settling in at the hotel, we started our ride from Springdale to the Temple of Sinawava. As we rode, the immense mountains hugged me around each turn and guided me towards the Temple as the sun rose over the fortress that protected us. Growing up on the eastern side of the country in the valley of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Angel’s Landing showed me the amazing face of the west. Trading in the green trees of the Appalachian Trail for the majestic red rock gardens was breathtaking. As I approached the Temple, I felt the thumping of my heart and realized how small I am in this massive world. The rocks around me continued to grow and jut towards the sky. This made me smile as I thought about all that Zion has experienced in the past century and what new stories the future will bring.

Enjoy a long-weekend getaway in some of America’s most stunning nature.

Head to Zion

Vote for your favorite Tour Operator as a Travel+Leisure World’s Best

Vote for Trek Travel as a Travel+Leisure World's Best tour operator

Trek Travel has been nominated as a Travel+Leisure World’s Best Tour Operator. We were honored to be included in the top 10 tour operators in 2016 and 2018, and with your help, we can do it again in 2020!

To vote:

1. Visit

2. After registering, you’ll answer a few questions about your travel habits

3. When prompted, select “Tour Operators and Safari Outfitters” from the list of categories to rate

4. Choose Trek Travel from the T’s section

5. After you fill out the short evaluation, our icon will turn green

6. At this point, you can review other operators or click “no” for “would you like to add more items to your list to rate.”
As a thank-you for completing the voting, Travel+Leisure will enter you to win one of five amazing international travel experiences!

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Featured Hotel: Hotel Villa Cipriani

Hotel Villa Cipriani pool

Spend an entire week soaking up the luxury of this Italian villa on our Veneto Self-Guided Bike Tour. With our self-guided trips, you have the freedom to travel at your own pace and on your own schedule, so you can spend your days riding through the region or relaxing by the Villa’s beautiful pool.

For our self-guided trips, we have hand-picked some of our favorite destinations, several in areas where we have been running guided trips for years and others in new destinations that we love, such as Veneto, Italy. This region is steeped in rich cultural heritage, delicious food, and charming towns, but one of our favorite things here is the stunning Hotel Villa Cipriani. At the start of 2020, Trek Travel’s President Tania Burke stayed at the Hotel Villa Cipriani and shared details about her experience and what makes this hotel such a unique and special place to stay.

Hotel Villa Cipriai in Asolo, Italy

“I personally love the riding in this lesser known area of Italy. On the new Veneto Self-Guided Bike Tour, our guests will stay in the famous Hotel Villa Cipriani, nestled in the quaint hilltop village of Asolo. This elegant hotel is the perfect place to experience world class riding, be pampered by the excellent staff, lounge at the pool, and indulge in a massage.

During my stay at Hotel Villa Cipriani, I had the honor of attending a dinner hosted by the owners of the hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Zanetti, who also own the well-known Italian coffee company Segafredo. Segafredo is the title sponsor of the Trek-Segafredo World Tour Cycling Team. The dinner was hosted in honor of five Italian world champions and several riders from the Trek-Segafredo team, including Vincenzo Nibali, Mads Pedersen, Giulio Ciccone, and Bauke Mollema.

During the dinner, I had a wonderful conversation with Mrs. Zanetti, who chatted about her initial vision to restore the historic Villa and about the seven-year project of truly bringing it back to life. With great attention to detail, Mrs. Zanetti maintained the original character of the property while also modernizing its amenities. Even for decor as small as a bathroom tile, Mrs. Zanetti took the time to find the company that created the original hand-painted tiles and commissioned them to create replica hand-painted tiles to accent the originals, resulting in beautifully authentic bathroom spaces. Her care and attention are seen and enjoyed throughout the property, creating one of the leading hotels in the world. Hotel Villa Cipriani is truly a gem — a gem you should not miss!”

Hotel Villa Cipriai in Asolo, Italy

Fuel Your Ride With Kate’s Real Food

Kate's Real Food bars

Kate’s Real Food energy bars are designed for refueling during big days on your bike.

After putting some serious mileage on the bike, Trek Travel understands the importance of refueling. Our guides set up snack stops to keep our guests happily and healthily fueled throughout the day’s ride. Trek Travel is proud to share our partnership with Kate’s Real Food, a healthy, organic energy bar brand that will keep you riding without a pause! Get to know them a little more, and see why we can’t wait to share their bars on our North American trips.

Who is Kate’s Real Food?

Kate’s Real Food is a company founded by Kate Schade, active skier and busy body, who understood the necessity of having quick fuel on the go. From long hours hitting the slopes to heading to her night job, over the years Kate perfected her recipe for tasty organic energy bars known as Tram Bars. After sharing her bars with friends and receiving consistent pleas to start selling her recipe, by 2010 Kate made her Real Food company come to life. As of now, Kate has created 6+ mouthwatering flavors filled with wholesome, organic ingredients for people to grab when heading to their next adventure.

Why Kate’s Real Food and Trek Travel?

“We are proud to partner with a company that prioritizes high quality and organic ingredients, and we know that our guests will love the variety and recipes. Whether it’s long days in the saddle at Texas Ride Camp or leisurely cycling through Kentucky Bourbon Country, Kate’s Real Food is the fuel of choice.”
– Tania Burke, Trek Travel President

Kate’s Real Food was also voted best energy bar of 2019 by Outdoor Gear Lab!

What makes Kate’s Real Food tick?

Kate’s Real Food focuses on three main aspects when it comes to the quality and make of their bars: clean ingredients, sustainable practices, and great taste.
Clean Ingredients: From organic gluten-free oats to organic dark chocolate, Kate’s Real Food specifically uses clean ingredients to ensure each bite is better than the last and contains the best quality. No chemicals or artificial sweeteners are added to the products as organic fruits, such as dried cherries or dried mango, and all-natural honey fill their place.
Sustainable Practices: Sustainability is a prioritized practice within the company when it comes to production, culture, and organization. Kate’s Real Food focuses on sustainability by recycling plastics, glasses, paper, metals, and cardboard and is continuously finding any way to reduce waste.
Great Taste: Great taste is one of the perks of this healthy, energy filled product. Kate’s Real Food combines a multitude of ingredients to ensure your taste buds will be more then satisfied. Each product contains a sweet-and-savory recipe that allows for a unique mixture of flavor and texture. From crunchy to chewy and everything between, Kate’s Real Food will leave you ready to try the next delicious flavor.


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Trek Travel President Tania Burke Talks Bicycle Tourism, Immersive Experiences, And Equality In Adventure Travel

Looking for a truly immersive travel experience this year? It might be easier than you think; in fact, Tania Burke says all you need is a bicycle.

One of the more challenging routes Trek Travel offers customers—and which Tania participates in herself—is the Etape du Tour. This happens on a rest day for the pros racing in the Tour de France, allowing amateur cyclists to bike part of the route.

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Dozens gather at Arkose Brewery to share stories during the Trails and Ales speaker series

“There’s more cyclists than cars on the road,” Keller said.

Keller and Brewer embarked on a Trek Travel group cycling tour across [Mallorca]. He showed several slides and explained some of the perks of traveling with a group, namely the safety of being surrounded by others. He also noted going during the off-season provided cheaper prices for car and boarding rentals.

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Trek Travel’s VIP Tour de France – Forbes

There is no sporting event quite like the Tour de France, the legendary cycling race consisting of 21 day-long stages run over 23 days, a competition that crisscrosses the French countryside.

Now Trek Travel, a cycling vacation company offering cycling tours around the globe, is the Official Tour Operator for the tour and has come out with six new 2020 Tour de France Bike Tours as well as an exclusive finish line viewing party. The company promises behind-the-scenes access to the Trek-Segafredo team along with VIP race access at key stages throughout the tour, including the Grand Depart in Nice, the climbs of Col de la Madeleine, Col des Aravis, Col des Glières and the finishes on the Col de la Loze, La Roche sur Foron and the Paris finale.

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Bonding Over Bikes

Costa Brava sets the stage for a father-daughter bonding experience.

After experiencing a heavy dose of “FOMO” last year when my aunt and I went on our Yellowstone and Grand Tetons cycling trip, my dad enthusiastically jumped at the chance to join in when the time came around for me to take part in a Trek Travel Spain bike tour in Costa Brava.

I am very close with both of my parents, so I didn’t anticipate that this trip would make my dad and I even closer. However, in the months leading up to the trip, the upcoming vacation did give us new topics to talk about outside of our usual “how was your week” and “what’s new with you” conversations. As my dad trained, he asked me questions about what to expect, I helped him pick out what to pack, and we selected our pre and post trip hotels and activities. The bonding had already begun before we even stepped foot in Spain.

Even though my dad is in great shape from running and biking, he was still concerned about the hills in Europe (as was I!) since we both live in the Midwest in cities that are relatively flat. We made the decision to both use e-bikes, and it turned out to be the best tool. As a slow rider to begin with, the e-bike acted like the perfect equalizer for me to keep up when going uphill. Since I wasn’t as winded as I normally would have been without it, my dad and I were able to continue our conversations for the full rides each day. We talked about how lucky we were to be witnessing the stunning views that were around every turn, laughed at our sweat levels, and thanked each other for coming on the trip in the first place.

[trek-fullwidth-img src=”×1017.jpg”]

Another way we further bonded was through food. My dad is very much a Midwestern meat and potatoes kind of guy (nothing wrong with that!), but on our trip, we both encountered food we normally would avoid. Whether it was pâté or raw cod for my dad or fresh clams and squid for me, we pushed each other to at least try everything. For the most part, we were pleasantly surprised at how delicious our “intimidating” foods were (but just don’t expect us to eat them every day, okay?).

Costa Brava Cycling Vacation Bike Tour in Costa Brava, Spain Biking Costa Brava

Lastly, our relationship was strengthened through motivating each other. It started on the Mediterranean sailboat cruise on day four of the trip. With an overcast sky and a slight breeze, nobody was initially clamoring to jump in the brisk water for a swim. Taking the lead, I was the first to plunge into the sea for a dip. My dad is not a strong swimmer at all, so initially, he was not going to go in. After lots of prodding from me, along with our Captain Sergio strapping him into a life vest, my dad faced his fears and joined me in the water.

For me, it was being pushed to do the most elevation gain I’ve ever done on a single ride. Our trip’s fifth day includes a stunning coastal ride between S’Agaro and Tossa de Mar. After the ride out, I was ready to hop in the van to get a boost back to our hotel, but my dad said to me, “This is the prettiest ride I’ve ever been on, and I don’t want it to end.” Despite my concerns of overheating (this Midwestern gal is not built to endure high temps), we got back in the saddle, and I’m so glad we did. Even though we were on the same route we came in on, we were now on the same side of the road as the water, and the views were entirely different and even more stunning than they had been in the opposite direction. It was a ride I will never forget.

[trek-fullwidth-img src=”×809.jpg”]

Travel is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things, experiencing different cultures, and challenging yourself. When you get to also do this with someone you love and create those shared memories, you get to strengthen that bond in an entirely new way. So, take the (literal) leap into the cold Mediterranean. Climb that hill you didn’t think was possible. Eat that questionable cuisine. I guarantee you won’t have any regrets and will get just a little bit closer to your travel partner.

Thanks for the ride, Dad.

Experience Costa Brava

See the trip


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What is the Difference?

Ultimate Luxury:

Savor some of the most spectacular, 5-star properties in the world. Exuding luxury and elegance, these one-of-a-kind accommodations offer the chance to rejuvenate at award-winning spas, dine at Michelin-starred restaurants, and more.


Enjoy luxurious accommodations handpicked for a refined experience. From signature spa treatments to delicious local cuisine, you’ll be more than provided for; you’ll be pampered.


These handpicked hotels provide relaxation and fun in a casual and comfortable environment. Delicious cuisine and great service mix perfectly for a memorable stay.


On select cycling vacations, you’ll stay at a mix of Explorer and Luxury hotels. Rest assured, no matter which hotel level you’re at, our trip designers carefully select every accommodation.

Activity Level

Level 1:

Road: 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 25 mi (40 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Gravel: 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 20 mi (35 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 1-3 hours of hiking. Up to 5 mi (8 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Level 2:

Road: 2-4 hours of riding. 20-35 mi (35-60 km). Up to 2,500 ft (750 m).

Gravel: 2-4 hours of riding. 15-30 mi (25-45 km). Up to 2,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 2-4 hours of hiking. 4-8 mi (6-12 km). Up to 1,500 ft (450 m).

Level 3:

Road: 3-5 hours of riding. 25-55 mi (40-85 km). Up to 4,500 ft (1,500 m).

Gravel: 3-5 hours of riding. 20-40 mi (35-60 km). Up to 3,000 ft (900 m).

Hiking: 3-5 hours of hiking. 6-10 mi (9-16 km). Up to 2,000 ft (600 m).

Level 4:

Road: 4+ hours of riding. 40-70 mi (60-110 km). Up to 8,000 ft (2,400 m).

Gravel: 4+ hours of riding. 30-50 mi (45-80 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

Hiking: 4+ hours of hiking. 7-15 mi (11-24 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

What are your trip styles?

Classic - Reserve:

Savor the finer things as you relax in luxurious 5-star accommodations and wine, dine, and ride in some of the most unforgettable destinations around the world.

Classic - Signature:

Explore beautiful destinations by bike, enjoy extra inclusions, savor delicious local cuisine, and enjoy the perfect mix of accommodations.

Classic - Discover:

Enjoy a casual cycling vacation with fantastic routes and comfortable accommodations.

Ride Camp:

Train like the pros in some of their favorite riding destinations.

Pro Race:

See the pros in action at the biggest cycling events of the year.

Cross Country:

Tackle an epic adventure that takes you point-to-point across mountains, countryside, and more.


Enjoy a bike tour on your schedule with just your chosen travel companions.

Single Occupancy

Sometimes it’s more convenient and comfortable to have your own room while on vacation. We understand and that’s why we offer a Single Occupancy option. The additional price guarantees a private room all to yourself