“Richard,” I called to the gentleman across the table. “What do you want for dessert?” He paused briefly in his conversation with our guide, Connor, and said, “You choose what you want, and I’ll be happy with that!”
Richard and I are 25 years apart in age, both married but traveling solo, and in the brief few days that we had been exploring the Ojai Valley and Santa Barbara coast, we quickly developed an understanding around meals. I have a culinary background with an adventurous palate, and Richard is a learn-it-all with a desire to share both bottles of wine and a wide variety of dishes. He very graciously encouraged me to make most of the decisions, deferring to my judgement for what style of wine we should order or which salad to split before our entrees. Our collaborative efforts spilled across the table to the two girl-friends from Atlanta and the freshly retired couple from Whitewater, WI, so that eventually we were all working together to find the best combinations of libations and shared apps.
It can be tricky as someone traveling with a friend or partner to be inclusive to strangers, and it can be tough as a solo traveler to sometimes feel ignored or slighted by others. Fortunately, going on a Trek Travel trip prevents most of these awkward encounters for several reasons. For example, I chose this particular trip date because of the variety of people who were signed up. Our sales team is always happy to go over demographics and point you in the right direction based on the company you are hoping to keep. That being said, keep an open mind! I have also found that couples who travel together usually embrace the opportunity to mix up the conversation and ride with new acquaintances.
Secondly, on a Trek Travel trip, everybody automatically comes to the table with something in common – you all wanted an active vacation! This means that no matter your rider level, you probably love spending time outdoors, soaking up beautiful scenery, staying in comforting establishments, and eating nourishing, satisfying food. It is undeniable how this simple common thread leads to all sorts of unexpected connections. On my Ojai to Santa Barbara trip, it turns out that the couple from Whitewater is friends with one of the musicians who played at my wedding! And this summer, I look forward to attending a concert series in my hometown of Madison where they will be playing in the brass section.
For me, traveling is always more fun when shared with others, but I also treasure my alone time and enjoy the opportunity to remember that I can rely and depend on just myself. Traveling “alone in a group” offers one the opportunity to choose when and where you make a compromise or share with others; and when to make a choice simply for yourself. There is a lot of value in having this flexibility when trying new things and exploring new places, especially when the logistics are already taken care of for you, and especially when the key phrase is, “your day, you decide”.
Ditch the doubts, pack your bags, and get ready to make some new friends with Trek Travel.
What are you waiting for?